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it's just Me, & friends, a BIG girl with BIG dreams... living my Simple yet Complicated Life, facing my everyday "Reality" ~ a 'ME' saying

Saturday, February 12


I spent NEW YEAR in China

countdown with the other 8 kids
it was quite me...
my parents didn't even bother to stay up to wait for me and my brother==
and well
I started my year really POSITIVELY this year
and it just went on till now..NON-STOP
maybe there were some few 'stops' here and there
but I really did have a more open-mind
I don't feel so sheltered
I felt like I grew quite a lot in the past year
the sudden distance that I got from my 'usual friends' cause ALL of us took a different path
I had to buck up and meet new people
It may not seem that hard to others but to ME
it's sort of 'torturing' ?
during that period of time I literally walk through everyday feeling sorry for myself
which now I feel it was kind of 'OVER'..hehe...
It may not seem relevant to others but...I did Shut myself in my box
{which I'm really glad that I walked out of it}
I was paranoid...ever since I stepped into secondary school
My self-esteem was that LOW
but I doubt anyone really realised cause I tend to hide it well.....XD
I always have issues of doubting myself and comparing myself with others
I was never good enough in anything
AND I'm glad I came out from my old-self
thanks to .......................
I will have a happier life now thanks to you
eventhough you may not know what you have done for me
but I will always rememberXD

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