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it's just Me, & friends, a BIG girl with BIG dreams... living my Simple yet Complicated Life, facing my everyday "Reality" ~ a 'ME' saying

Saturday, February 12


I spent NEW YEAR in China

countdown with the other 8 kids
it was quite me...
my parents didn't even bother to stay up to wait for me and my brother==
and well
I started my year really POSITIVELY this year
and it just went on till now..NON-STOP
maybe there were some few 'stops' here and there
but I really did have a more open-mind
I don't feel so sheltered
I felt like I grew quite a lot in the past year
the sudden distance that I got from my 'usual friends' cause ALL of us took a different path
I had to buck up and meet new people
It may not seem that hard to others but to ME
it's sort of 'torturing' ?
during that period of time I literally walk through everyday feeling sorry for myself
which now I feel it was kind of 'OVER'..hehe...
It may not seem relevant to others but...I did Shut myself in my box
{which I'm really glad that I walked out of it}
I was paranoid...ever since I stepped into secondary school
My self-esteem was that LOW
but I doubt anyone really realised cause I tend to hide it well.....XD
I always have issues of doubting myself and comparing myself with others
I was never good enough in anything
AND I'm glad I came out from my old-self
thanks to .......................
I will have a happier life now thanks to you
eventhough you may not know what you have done for me
but I will always rememberXD

going on

still going on with my life
and yes still in Form 6
so-called doing 'THE BEST I CAN'
when there are some others that STOP
It's already February
had been more than a month since I returned from Guilin,China
truthfully it wasn't the best family trip I have
I felt that going to Cameron Highland was even better
BUT....a very big 'BUT'...
thankfully me and my siblings made friends there
imagine 10 children (ranged from age 11-25){and yes 25 is still in the category}

playing together like we have met before the trip
It was a nice experience
and I am seriously thank-ing them
cause if it weren't for them
I would have just go through China feeling 'NEUTRAL' the whole time
P.S: my crapping skills are too AWESOME.....LOL!!

gonna crap my heart out

cause it's a long time since I've blog
so I'm just going to crap out every single stuff that I remembered

it's not like I started it

seriously I don't understand what's up with you
It was good enough that I did not say A WORD the last time
but again??....
come on GROW UP!!!.....
say what you want front
don't go behind and start crapping like no other
problem is you are not even ANYONE
maybe I don't get to know you enough
but see-ing that side of you...Who would?!!
grow up and grow some MANNERS while you are at it

Thursday, June 10


very first time where I actually openly admit

that I have a crush
but sadly I don't have the courage to tell him
*big SIGH for myself*
anyway I should be in the mood of 'BERJUANG'
for my form6...
and this would be the first time I'm telling this out loud
that I am in ACS
{yes I confessing it right now} ")
I think I am having exams in 2 weeks time
& I seriously have no confidence to score in it
I am pursuing myself to concentrate in form6
like really hard
but unfortunately after 5 months of pure HOLIDAYS...
my brain is so not like what it used to be...T.T
even tough what it used-to-be wasn't that great
but still better than the condition it is now
main point
  • need to get YOU out of my head
  • Study...Study...& Study!!!